Model ID: 7357be0f-93b1-4ce8-90ca-56ddf4626d5c Sitecore Context Id: e0dbaab4-cba4-4d41-89df-dd4941f0dc5a;

NTUC and SNEF Call on Government to Strengthen Employment and Employability Support for PMEs

Over 10,000 PMEs, union as well as business leaders were engaged in the development of these recommendations.
Model ID: 7357be0f-93b1-4ce8-90ca-56ddf4626d5c Sitecore Context Id: e0dbaab4-cba4-4d41-89df-dd4941f0dc5a;

For many mature PMEs, it can be an uphill battle for them to re-enter the workforce after they have been retrenched.

Philip Kwa, 58, was retrenched back in May 2020. Besides being deemed too experienced for some job opportunities that came his way, he faced many other challenges such as a lack of career advice and having to keep up with financial obligations.

“Agencies should be open to give opportunities to senior, experienced PMEs like myself,” he expressed.

“I also know that a lot of unemployed PMEs who are in the same situation like me. We have good programmes such as the Professional Conversion Programme, the SGUnited Skills Programme and the TechSkills Mid-Career Advance. These are good initiatives. However, the execution and management part of these programmes, in my view, were not well handled – leaving many PMEs waiting and waiting.”

NTUC and Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) hopes to change the situation for PMEs like Mr Kwa.

NTUC-SNEF PME Taskforce Recommendations

Through its consultation with over 10,000 PMEs, union leaders and business leaders, the joint NTUC-SNEF PME Taskforce has  developed nine recommendations designed to strengthen PMEs’ employment and employability.

The recommendations were revealed during a media sharing session at the NTUC Centre on 20 October 2021.

The session was helmed by the taskforce’s co-advisors NTUC Secretary-General Ng Chee Meng and SNEF President Robert Yap. They were also supported by the taskforce’s co-chairs NTUC Assistant Secretary-General Patrick Tay and SNEF Executive Director Sim Gim Guan.

Beyond ensuring that PMEs can compete fairly and effectively in a dynamic labour landscape, the recommendations will also work to address PMEs’ top concerns, such as job security and support in employment and training opportunities.

Mr Ng shared that the taskforce’s priority was to protect Singaporean PMEs’ jobs and help them achieve progression.

He said: “PMEs feel the pressure from foreign competition and for mature PMEs, they find it challenging to bounce back when they lose their jobs. Thus, we must do more to level the playing field for our local PMEs, while enabling other forms of employment and employability-related support like unemployment transition support, job search or training support for them.”

Four Key Thrusts

According to the taskforce, the recommendations have been designed to cover four key areas of support for PMEs, namely, to enhance workplace fairness, provide unemployment support and benefits, ensure more hiring opportunities for mature PMEs, and support PMEs in career progression and skills upgrading.

  1. Enhance Workplace Fairness

To ensure that local PMEs, regardless of age, receive fair opportunities and treatment during their job search at the workplace, the taskforce proposed to enhance fair employment practices through the improvement of HR standards, as well as for the Government to strengthen enforcement on companies which adopt unfair practices.

By differentiating foreign worker access by occupations, enhancing the review process for EP applications and facilitating skills transfer from foreign talents to local workforce, the taskforce believes that these will also help strengthen the Singapore core.

The taskforce also proposed to widen the support for PMEs through the formation of a tripartite work group to review the scope of union representation of PMEs.

  1. Unemployment Support and Benefits

To support PMEs, particularly mature ones who are involuntarily unemployed, the taskforce recommended strengthening unemployment income support via the introduction of a national transitionary support framework.

The proposed framework will provide supplementary income relief and assistance to those who are involuntary unemployed and should be supplemented by an active Labour Market Policy.

An additional tier of support can additionally be provided to all union members and/or vulnerable mature PMEs.

  1. More Hiring Opportunities for Mature PMEs

To help mature PMEs to transit into meaningful employment, the taskforce recommended introducing a short-term salary support for hiring companies.

Supporting training courses, mentorship programmes and fast track training programmes with certification should also be provided to further aid transiting PMEs.

  1. Career Progression and Skills Upgrading

To help PMEs progress in their careers, the taskforce recommended building up the Singaporean leadership bench strength by supporting leadership development programmes for local PMEs, as well as to help facilitate the global development of Singaporean talent.

Additionally, the Government should explore the provision of customised career coaching support to PMEs and expand funding of career coaches to NTUC and/or SNEF to help guide and support PMEs.

Structured jobs and skills plans for PMEs can be developed by leveraging on Company Training Committees (CTCs). Through the CTCs, PMEs can be upskilled in tandem with business and industry requirements.

And lastly, the relationship between tripartite partners needs to be strengthened to prepare PMEs for economic transitions and investment pipelines.

The taskforce proposed to achieve this through the repositioning of the existing NTUC’s Job Security Council (JSC) to NTUC-SNEF JSC to strengthen the jobs ecosystem.

The new council can work with the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and the relevant government agencies to improve on the employment prospects of PMEs. It can also ensure that training needs are in line with the rapidly changing economic landscape.

Mr Tay said that the recommendations reflect the ground feedback that the taskforce has garnered from the 10,000 participants.

He said: “With their insights, we distilled their key concerns into actionable recommendations, which we will continue to work with the relevant partners to bring them to fruition to help our PMEs.

“I encourage PMEs to join our unions as members so that we can effectively speak up for them and provide them the much-needed support as a collective voice.”

The recommendations are currently being reviewed by MOM.

Download the full Report of the NTUC-SNEF PME Taskforce below.