Model ID: fa9e9c52-93c1-46e9-8b22-1da8cf25d468 Sitecore Context Id: fa9e9c52-93c1-46e9-8b22-1da8cf25d468;

NTUC boosts support for migrant workers in welfare and training with $2.5 million

Model ID: fa9e9c52-93c1-46e9-8b22-1da8cf25d468 Sitecore Context Id: fa9e9c52-93c1-46e9-8b22-1da8cf25d468;
18 Sep 2024
Model ID: fa9e9c52-93c1-46e9-8b22-1da8cf25d468 Sitecore Context Id: fa9e9c52-93c1-46e9-8b22-1da8cf25d468;

The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) announced today it has committed $2.5 million to support migrant workers in their welfare and training. Through NTUC’s Migrant Workers’ Centre (MWC), the funds will be used to provide relevant courses to help migrant workers increase their chances of career advancement within their companies. MWC will also provide a platform for migrant workers to organise self-initiated activities to be conducted at migrant workers’ recreation centres (RC) operated by MWC and NTUC Club. Migrant workers can also look forward to receiving appreciation gift bags, comprising daily essential items and consumables to help defray their costs of living. The fund was announced at the Migrant Workers’ Segment (MWS) Partners’ Appreciation event held today at Holiday Inn Atrium.

At the event, NTUC Secretary-General Ng Chee Meng announced the commitment of the $2.5 million fund and said, "At NTUC, we believe that every worker deserves the opportunity to grow, thrive, and be appreciated, regardless of where they come from. This $2.5 million commitment underscores our dedication to enhancing the welfare and skills of our migrant workers. For example, part of the fund will be for our Migrant Workers’ Centre ambassadors so that they have the tools and support for career advancement and a better quality of life. Through this initiative, we are not just investing in their future but also strengthening the foundation of our inclusive workforce. Beyond these initiatives, our social enterprises are also committed to positively impacting the lives of migrant workers."

Upskilling MWC’s ambassadors for career advancement

Based on feedback through dialogues and engagements within the MWC’s Ambassador network, many amongst the 6,600 ambassadors are keen to upskill themselves. This would help increase their chances of career advancement within their companies and enable them to earn better wages. MWC will be collaborating with partners such as NTUC LearningHub to provide relevant courses such as “Technology Application in Workplace Safety & Health”, “Operating Forklift” and “Supervise Construction Work for Workplace Safety & Health”, among others. Through the $2.5 million boost, MWC will allocate funds to subsidise these courses for up to 1,500 MWC ambassadors over an 18-month period, from 1 July 2024 to 31 December 2025. For example, on Sunday, 15 September 2024, MWC and POSB organised a workshop for over 40 MWC ambassadors on digital literacy and scam prevention.

Supporting migrant worker ground-up initiatives for greater ownership

Additionally, through MWC’s dialogues with migrant workers, many have expressed their desire to contribute positively to their community. In response to their feedback, MWC will provide resources for migrant workers to organise activities within the four recreation centres operated by MWC and NTUC Club. These ground-up initiatives, which can range from sport activities to training workshops, will foster a sense of ownership and encourage greater participation across the migrant worker community. To support these efforts, MWC will subsidise the activities conducted at the recreation centres.

Appreciation gift bags to defray costs of living for migrant workers

Lastly, MWC Associate Members can look forward to receiving appreciation gift bags distributed by MWC. These bags will include a curated selection of essential items aimed to support the well-being and defray the costs of living of migrant workers. These gift bags will be distributed through MWC’s various touchpoints such as recreation centres, onboarding centres and at events.

On the overall initiatives for migrant workers, Michael Lim, Director of NTUC’s Migrant Workers Segment said, “With the addition of three additional recreation centres1 , NTUC and the Migrant Workers’ Centre are significantly expanding our reach and impact across the migrant worker community. This $2.5 million fund will not only enhance the welfare and training opportunities available to our workers but also create more touchpoints for meaningful engagement and support. By providing more avenues for skill development and community activities, we are committed to empowering our migrant workers to achieve their career aspirations and fostering a stronger sense of belonging within our community."

[1] In August 2024, the Ministry of Manpower has appointed NTUC to operate three additional recreation centres.