
Leadership & Employability Enhancement

Leadership & Employability Enhancement Department - To groom and recognize Union Leaders.

We seeks to develop our leaders and equipped them with a strong foundation in Industrial Relations Matter. We also provide learning platforms our union leaders so that they can continue to add value to their company, members and themselves.

Snap Shot Profile of Branch Officials

  • Predominantly male - 80% males & 20% females
  • Better educated union leaders - 35% has “O”/”N” level and above
  • Average age of Branch Officials is 48 yrs old (15% below the age of 40)


Looking ahead

The Leadership and Employability Enhancement department will continue to work on initiatives to identify and groom potential Union Leaders. We aim to create a community of mentors to guide the new leaders so that our leadership pipeline remains healthy. We will also work to promote the various initiatives to support the Continuing Education and Training Masterplan so that our members will be future ready and employable.

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